Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cut the Crap with a New Goal

     When re-evaluating my EF goals and strategies, I knew that I could do more. I have been very good about keeping on track with the goals I'd already come up with at the beginning of the quarter. What I am going to add is bringing my own lunch to work. I currently buy fast-food every day I work besides Monday on my lunch break. Every Monday I bring a vegetarian alternative, because of my "No-Meat Monday" rule and have found that it really isn't a hassle preparing a meal ahead of time and bringing it with me to work. I want every meal I bring with me to be local and packed in a reusable plastic container, because the main reason why I'm doing this is to eliminate the idea of getting my food from long distances and cut back on the unnecessary packaging that all goes along with fast-food. When looking at the "Open the Future" website, I saw that the CO2 of one cheese burger is 4.35 kilograms. I eat at least two per meal at work. Excluding Monday, I still work four days a week, which equals out to 32 kilograms a week. That's just over 70 lbs per week! I would be cutting out about 3,625lbs of CO2 per year that was associated with fast-food. I overall want to cut fast-food from my diet.

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